Way back in 2008, I started a couple blogs under velowoo* and gadgettraveler where I shared my experiences, trends, tips, news in cycling as well as travel and related gadgets/tech. This was pre-iPhone and smartphones as we know them today, as well as pre-Twitter, Instagram etc. Info became so pervasive that it was impossible to keep up and the posts aged pretty quickly. That, and it took a lot of time to maintain when it no longer was part of my job to understand blogs and online media.
This time around, I hope to share my experiences but less coverage on things you can find elsewhere on the Internet. From time to time, I may do product reviews or cover events, but not on a regular basis. We’ll see how it goes…
*I forgot to renew the domain and it was quickly snatched up. Though not purely a cyclist anymore, it bums me out to lose a valuable domain name.